
I think sometimes if you push yourself to write a story you’re not feeling inspired to write it creates this huge resentment in you as a writer. You love your characters, you love your plot, but nothing is flowing, everything feels tired and uninspired and you start accusing the story and its characters of being boring and dull and corny. Like they’ve failed you, failed to maintain their charm and hold over you? And that’s not the case. The story is probably still very much vibrant, the characters are probably still very much interesting- it may simply be your mind needs to take a step back. Just like sometimes we need a break from our friends and family and lovers, writers sometimes need to take a step back from our work, no matter how much we love it, or how much we’ve invested in it. There’s no need to feel guilty about it- because guilt can often lead to all these bad feelings about yourself as a writer. And that feeling of guilt and resentment and failure is the worse… I think it almost certainly leads to writers block-which we all dread. 

I think it’s critical to sometimes step back, regroup and let your story win you back, win your love,  instead of trying to force it.

Just my poorly worded thoughts on a Tuesday night.


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